sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013

The Highlands region

Northeast of the municipality of Tehuacán is located and where populations are found in:


The name of this municipality has two possible translations. Tepantli (wall or boundary) and — co (locative particle) can be derived from the word. In this case, you can be considered in the boundary. The other possibility is when it is derived from tepan (pedregal) and — co, from which can be translated as in the pedregal. The surname Lopez was added in 1861, by Decree of the Congress of the State of Puebla.

Landmark: The 18th century parish church dedicated to San Juan Bautista.
 Crafts: They are made by hand, woven Palm and Reed.


Name that consists of the mexica; "chapollin or chapulli"; from where comes the chapulin, lobster and "co", aztequismo; It means "In the locusts or grasshoppers".

Historic architectural monument: Temple parish in honor to San Pedro built in the 16th century, located in the municipal seat.

Crafts: Wood for construction are styled and woven Palm and Reed are made.


Nahuatl word which is derived from "miahuatl", ear of corn, "tlan", between or together and make the meaning: "among the ears of corn reeds".

Historical architectural monument: the parish church built in the 16th century, dedicated to Lord Santiago.

Crafts: Is woven Palm and Reed. Hand embroidered dresses.

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